• Notes and documentation for EEMA on A SINGLE EUROPEAN CAPITAL MARKET


    The lack of a properly functioning European single capital market is a barrier to future economic growth

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    Closing the gaping hole in the capital market for EU start-ups – the role of pension funds

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    Apostolos Thomadakis

    Pension funds play a strategic role in our societies by providing protection and peace of mind to both consumers and businesses. As large long-term institutional investors, pension funds contribute significantly to the European economy’s growth and the development of capital markets. At the same time, young, small, fast-growing and innovative companies are key to Europe’s future economy and society, and a vital piece of the puzzle for achieving the EU’s green and digital transition. Risk capital is necessary to finance the founding and growth of scale-ups and start-ups. However, Europe has a shortage of risk capital and this not only holds back the development of high-growth sectors but also the creation of a genuine Capital Markets Union (CMU).

    Apostolos Thomadakis, Ph.D., is Head of Research at ECMI and Research Fellow at CEPS.



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