A selection of inspiring inclusive growth companies




    Small-scale farms in developing countries play a crucial role in feeding local populations and meeting international demand for agricultural commodities, access to the right resources and linkages unlocks tremendous opportunities for these communities. hiveonline is the connective tissue that links key actors (lenders, off-takers, NGOS and rural communities) in the economy and provides them with opportunities to forge equitable trading relationships.




    SumZero was founded by Divya Narendra (former co-founder of ConnectU) with the intent of changing the way professional investors shared information. The site is a reciprocity-based platform, meaning that members are required to share certain pieces of information in order to draw from the intellectual product of thousands of fellow SumZero members. In addition to accessing highly-differentiated investment research, the platform further enables members to build a track record, expand their networks in highly-relevant places, and identify further professional opportunities within the industry.



    Orthomatch est une startup innovante spécialisée dans la téléorthophonie et la guidance parentale. 

    On est parti d’un constat simple 2 millions d’enfants en France n’ont pas de suivi orthophonique faute d’un nombre insuffisant de professionnel de santé pour couvrir cette demande. 

    Ainsi, notre mission est d’améliorer l’accès aux services orthophoniques de qualité en permettant aux enfants et aux familles de bénéficier de séances d’orthophonie en ligne, dispensées par des professionnels qualifiés.